Digitize India Platform, Indian Government के द्वारा शुरू किया गया ऐसा Platform है जिसके जरिये Online Data Entry Job Provide किया जाता है |
यहाँ पर आप as a Digital Contributor, Data Entry Operator, Participate करके 15,000 से 20,000 बड़ी ही आसानी से कमा सकतें हैं ।
Digitize India, Digital India Platform के तहत इस इंटरनेट और कंप्यूटर युग में ऐसा Program है जिसे India के युवाओं को रोजगार देने के उद्देश्य से शुरू किया गया है और इस आर्टिकल में आप Digitize India से Related सारी जानकरी जानने वाले हैं |
Digitize India Platform – Data Entry Jobs ( Process )
Digitize India Platform में जब आप Registration करतें हैं और आप यहाँ पर एक Digital Contributor बन जातें हैं तो आपको कुछ Image या फिर Snippet दिखाए जाते हैं जिसमे कुछ Character लिखें होतें हैं और उसी को देखकर आपको Type करना होता है ।
जब Government Offices में कुछ Offline Form भरवाए जातें हैं तो उन Documents को Scan करके इस Website पर Upload कर दिया जाता है
और उन्ही Scanned Documents को Website के Registered User को Snippet के रूप में दिखाया जाता है जिसे देखकर एक Registered User को Type करना होता है और जिससे कमाई होती है ।
Digitize India Platform work from Home – Registration Online
Digitize India Platform (DIP) में Registration करने के लिए आपके पास 2 चीजें होना बेहद जरूरी है – आधार कार्ड और आधार कार्ड से Link Email ।
Step 1: सबसे पहले आप वेबसाइट https://digitizeindia.gov.in/ पर जाएं फिर Registration Now पर Click करें ।
Step 2: जैसे ही आप Registration पर Click करेंगे तो एक और Dialog Box खुलेगा जिसमे आपको अपनी सारी Details Fill करनी पड़ेगी |
Some Important Tips :
- Full Name में अपना पूरा नाम लिखें जितना और जैसा आपके आधार कार्ड में लिखा है ।
- फिर Gender में Male या Female Select करें ।
- Date of Birth में वही जन्मदिन डालें जो आधार कार्ड में डला हो ।
- अब अपना आधार कार्ड नंबर डालें ।
- आधार कार्ड नंबर डालने के बाद अपना User Name और Password बनाएं जिनसे आप Login करेंगे ।
- उसके बाद अपना वही Email और Mobile Number डालें जो आपके आधार कार्ड से लिंक हो ।
फिर आपके Email पर एक Confirmation Link आएगा जिस पर जैसे ही आप Click करेंगे, आपका Account Create हो जाएंगे और आपका Digitize India Platform पर Registration हो जाएगा ।
Registration होने के बाद आपको यहाँ Typing Work करने के लिए Website पर Login करना होगा जिसकी Process नीचे बताई गयी है |
Digitize India Platform ( digitizeindia.Gov.in )- Login
Digitize India Platform पर Login करने के लिए भी आप https://digitizeindia.gov.in Login पर जाएं फिर कुछ ऐसा Dialog Box खुलेगा जिसमे आपको Sign in पर Click करना है ।
जैसे ही आप Sign in पर Click करेंगे तो आपके पास कुछ ऐसा Dialog box खुलेगा –
अब इस Dialog Box पर आप अपने ही द्वारा बनाये गए User Name और Password को डालेंगे फिर आप अपने Account पर Login हो जाएंगे |
जैसे ही आप Login करेंगे और अपने Account Section में जायेंगे तो आपको आपकी Snippet दिखाए जायेंगे जिसे देखकर ही आपको Type करना है |
Digitize India Platform Officially Mobile Application
Digitize India के Mobile App की बात करें तो अभी तक इसका Officially तौर पर कोई भी App Develop और दिया नही किया गया है । अभी तो फिलहाल Digitize India Platform Offline है और Govt. ने इसे बंद कर रखा है ।
अगर आपको कही से भी Digitize India के नाम का Mobile App मिलता है तो उस पर Trust न करें और उसे Download भी न करें क्योंकि Govt. के तरफ से इसके लिए कोई App नही बनाया गया है ।
और देखतें हैं अगर Digitize India , Govt. के तरफ से दोबारा Open किया जाता है तो इसके लिए Mobile Application Provide करातें हैं कि नही पर अभी तो कोई Officially App Available नही है ।
Digitize India Registration Problem [ Resolved ]
आप मे से कई User जो इसमे Registration करने के सोच रहे होंगे उनको इसमे Registration Problem हो सकता है । पहले यह Problem Aadhar Card के कारण आ रहा था जो कि कुछ तरीकों से Solve भी किया जा सकता था ।
लेकिन अभी तो यह Platform ही काम नही कर रहा है तो देखतें हैं कि कही Govt. इसे दोबारा Start करती है तो यह समस्या दोबारा आती है कि नही ।
तब तक हम इसके दोबारा शुरू होने की उम्मीद ही कर सकतें हैं जो की Govt. के द्वारा बंद किया गया है ।
[ Why ] Digitize India Platform is Not Working ?
जी हाँ, अभी यह Platform Work नही कर रहा है । शायद Govt. इसमे कुछ सुधार या फिर कोई दूसरा तरीका बनाने की सोच रहे होंगे ।
लेकिन इसके Related Govt. के तरफ से कोई Official Announcement नही आया है कि कब यह Platform दोबारा शुरू होगा या होगा भी की नही ।
हम बस इस Digitize India Data Entry Job के लिए बस इंतजार कर सकतें हैं तब तक आप लोग भी कुछ दूसरा Start कर लीजिये | अगर आप इसी के भरोसे बैठे रहेंगे और Govt. ने इसे दोबारा Start ही नही किया तो आपके लिए Problem हो सकता है ।
Digitize India Platform FAQ – अतिमहत्वपूर्ण 11 सवालों के जवाब
Q1. Digitize India Platform को किसने बनाया है ?Q2. Aadhar Authentication क्यों नही हो रहा है ?
Ans. इसके दो कारण हो सकते हैं जिसमें पहला यह कि आपने सारी जानकारियां अपने आधार कार्ड के हिसाब से Fill नहीं की है क्योंकि यहाँ Work करने के लिए आपका Email और Mobile Number आधार कार्ड से Link होना चाहिए ।
Q3. Is Digitize India Platform still Working ( क्या यह अब भी काम कर रही है ?
Ans. जब इस Platform पर User की संख्या बहुत ज्यादा हो जाती है तो Registration को कुछ समय के लिए बंद कर दिया जाता है लेकिन इसे बाद में हमेशा दोबारा चालू किया जाता है ।
Q4. हमारे आधार कार्ड के साथ छेड़छाड़ हो सकता है क्या ?
Ans. बिल्कुल नहीं, क्योंकि यह Platform, Indian Government के द्वारा ही बनाया गया Platform है ।
Q5. इससे कमाई कैसे होती है ?
Ans. जब आप यहां पर कुछ Characters को Type करतें है तो वह Count होते रहता है और उसके बदले में आपको Reward Point दिया जाता है और 50 Reward Points की Value 1 रुपये बनता है जिससे 5,000 Reward Points की Value 100 रुपये बन जाता है ।
Q6. यहाँ से कितना कमाया जा सकता है ?
Ans. ये आपके Typing Speed और आपके Internet Speed पर निर्भर करता है । अगर आपका Typing Speed अच्छा है तो आप 5,000 Character मात्र 1 घंटे में Type कर सकतें हैं ।
Q7. पैसे कैसे मिलते है ?
Ans. इसके लिए यहाँ आपको अपना Bank Account Fill करना होता है जहाँ पर आपके पैसे भेज दिए जातें हैं ।
Q8. पैसे कितने दिनों में आ जातें हैं ?
Ans. ये आपके Bank पर भी निर्भर करता है,Normally 1 Week में पैसे आपके Bank तक पहुँच जातें हैं ।
Q9. क्या Digitize India Platform का Mobile App है ?
Ans. नही, अगर कोई इस नाम से App दिखा रहा है, वो इस Platform का Mobile App नहीं है।
Q10. अगर किसी के पास Laptop नही तो क्या इसे मोबाइल पर किया जा सकता है ?
Ans. बिल्कुल हाँ, ये काम मोबाइल पर भी बड़ी आसानी से किया जा सकता है । अगर कुछ भी Problem आ रहा है तो आप Google Chrome में खोलकर Desktop Site में Open कर सकतें हैं ।
Q11. क्या Digitize India Platform 100% Genuine है ?
Ans. बिलकुल हाँ , आप इस Platform की Reviews दुनिया की नंबर 1 Ques.-Ans वेबसाइट Quora की इस Link Digitize India Platform Reviews पर जाकर पढ़ सकतें हैं |
Digitize India Platform, Indian Government द्वारा शुरू किया गया बहुत अच्छा Platform है । अगर अभी यहाँ पर Registration नही हो रहा तो आप कुछ समय तक Wait जरूर करें ।
इस Platform पर अभी जो Participate किये हुए हैं वो Monthly के 15 से 20,000 हजार रुपये तक कमा रहें हैं | अगर आपका भी Typing Speed अच्छा है तो आप भी इतनी Income बड़ी आसानी से कर सकतें हैं ।
Kya Or koi site hai kya data entry ke liye sir
Aap Ye artical padhe Vikas ji .. – पैसे कैसे कमाए – 35+ तरीके
kaam kab tak mil ga
Iska koi guarantee nahi hai Sarthak ji, pura government ke upar hai.
sir abhi kaam nahi raha hai aur login nahi ho raha hai
Yes sarthak ji, work off ho gaya hai abhi.
Sir, Digitizeindia site hi nahi khul Rahi hai. Mai bahut dino se try kar Raha hu. Please Advise me
wo kholenge to kuch notification denge Mahesh ji, abhi to vaise sayad lag raha hai.
Sir site open nhi ho rhi he kya Karan he
Ha, abhi Site band kar diye hai Shailesh ji.
Ye site kab chalegi
Iska koi bharosa nahi hai Pooja ji.
Hello to all, as I am genuinely eager of reading this weblog’s post to be updated daily. It carries fastidious information.
Great dear .
Site hi nahi open hoti ye tho offline ho chuki hai
Kabhi kabhi ye Site kuch formation ke chalte online/Offline hoti rehti hai Rahul ji.
Hi sir I have join date entry
Currently the site is not working dear.
hello sir, mera data entry job work from home ke liye registration nhi ho rha h. kya ye site abhi band kiya gya hai. pls rep dijiye.
Ha, kuch formation ke chalte ye site kabhi aesa hote rehta hai Aishwarya ji.
why is aadhar card is not authentication?
Sometime it happens dear, but after some time it gets corrected.
Sir, kahin aadhar card ka miss use to nahi hoga kyonki Kai logon ke saath eisa huaa hai ki aadhar card ya pan card mangtye hain aur account hack kar letye hain
Aap Log apne Adhar Card ko Kahi bhi Use nahi kiya kare Prem ji, Acche se Research krke hi Sahi se Authority check krke Hi Use kare, Thankyou .
Mere kam ka paisa kabhi ayega
Aapne kya kam kiya tha Seema ji ?
Data Entry, Snipett and Captcha ka kam kiya 1 month ho gaya abhi tak paisa nahi mila
Aap kuch time tak wait krke dekhiye Seema ji
Sir task stop kyu ho jata 4 se5din ke bich task ek ek aa rha hai mujhe
Mere kam ka Rs. 2000/- mila nahi sir 23 date ko request dali thi
Mtlb kis month Seema Ji ?
23 June 2022 ko mere Rs.2000/- ho gaye main request dali to processing aya aur abhi tak paisa nahi mila hai aisa kyo bata sakte hai. Govt. Site ye dekhke bahot bharosa se mehnat karke kam kiya tha aur paisa nahi mila sir aisa kyo?
Wait krke dekhte hai Seema ji, fir dekhenge agla step krke
23 June 2022 ko mera Rs.2000/- jama hua, maine request dali to processing dikhaya aur ab tak processing hi hai aisa kyo? Sir vatate?
Aese Govt. Site me kam kai bar late ho jata hai Seema ji , aap wait krke dekhiye …Fir dekhte hai kya hota hai
mera bhi sir 500 rs abhi tak mila nahi hai kisse contact karna hai
Abhi to official site hi offline hai Nilam ji , abhi contact karna possible nahi ho payega .
Current this site Digitize India is not working dear…Thankyou
Sir, kya aap data entry typing jobs ki koi aur genuine site k bare me bta skte h… Jo work from home and through mobile ho….
Data entry ke liye online me dhang se job nahi rehta dear data ji..
Aap blogging ya youtube se hi paise kamane ke tarike sikhne ki kosish kare..
hello, may i register here now i want a data entry job
No…Currently The site Digitize india is not working Siri ji.
Sir e service temporarily close agidiya
ye permanent band ho gya hai lgta hai Anvik ji
Bhai ye kab chalu hoga
ab lgta hai ki ye kabhi chalu nahi hoga vinay ji
Isme house wife bhi data entry ka km kr skti hai
अभी यह काम सरकार ने बंद कर दिया है सोनू जी .
Isme house wife bhi data entry ka km kr skti hai
Matlb ki ladies bhi registration krba sakti hai
अभी यह काम बंद है सोनू जी .
krishna muse date enter kam karna chahati hua
please me call me
ab digitize india typing work band ho chuka hai dear..ise khud government ne band kar diya hai..dekhte hai future me kya hota hai..Thankyou
hello, may i register here now i want a data entry job
Currently this site is not working dear, govt. has stopped that work..
Sir aap ko shait par kam kese hoga
आप क्या कहना चाह रहे हैं, मुझे कुछ समझ नहीं आया खुशबु जी
Sar ji mera Ragijsttan nahi hoo
अभी Registration Process को Govt. ने बंद कर दिया है दिलीप जी, देखतें हैं अगर आने वाले भविष्य में सरकार इस काम को दोबारा Open करती या नहीं ?
Abhi is site pr registration ho rhe h kya
नहीं हो रहा है मीनू जी और लगता है कि कभी नहीं होगा, बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद आपका
Link not opened
Currently Digitize India Site is Offline Dear..It’s Not working now.
When it will work sir
It’s totally upon goverment dear.
dear, sir, have a nice day
mai ye puchhna chahta hu ki ye web.jaldi se jaldi kab tak start ho jayega?
Ab ye Govt. Ke Uper hai Dear ki wo Kab Chalu Karenge…
Ye aap bhi kaam krna k paise late hai
ये हमारा काम नहीं जी , ये Govt. का काम है, हम बस इसका Information आप लोगों तक पहुचातें हैं और इसमें किसी भी प्रकार का फीस नहीं लिया जाता है लेकिन फिलहाल अभी ये ऑफलाइन है . धन्यवाद आपका
Mujhe data entry karni hai par mujhase nai ho raha hai signup kese karna mujhe bataige plzph
Abhi ye Wala Kam Band ho Gya hai
. Jiske vajah se Registration bhi Ni ho raha hai
Jaise yah site chalu Honge aap Hamen Bata Denge Jarur
Jarur Nakal Ji..Aap Yahi Par Aakar Check Skte hai..
Lekin Mujhe nahi lgta ki He Site Dobara Chalu Ho Payegi
मोबाइल से रजिस्टर कैसे करें
Abhi Registration Off Hai..Govt. ne Ise Abhi Band rakha hai.. Dear
Sir abhi pletcorm per registration
nhi ho rhi he kya ?????
Ha Shailesh ji.
sir ,
how to open this website
i have computer sir
digital india me kam kwrna he keise kwre
Abhi Ye Site Kam Nahi kar Raha Dear..I think Goverment. Ne Abhi ise Band Rakha hai..Because this is Goverment Service …
Hume iss kaam ki jaankari kaise aur kb milegi
Jaise Hi Work Start Hoga Government ki Side se aur Isse Related koi Official Announcement Aayega to Hm Is Site Par Update kar Denge ..
Aap Kuch Time bad aakar Check Karte rahiyega..
Register kb aur kaise ho skti h
Jaise hi Work Start hoga .. Registration bhi Usi Samay Start Ho Jayega..
Hom e work jobs
Ok Ashok Ji ..Apko Yh Post Padhna Chahiye..
इंटरनेट से पैसे कमाने के तरीके
What is meant by Error 95
Where are you seeing this error ?
Ok hi koi online wagesh hoga tho brook sir
Aap Please is artical ko padhiye..Bahut Madad Milegi
इंटरनेट से पैसे कमाने के 21+ तरीके – Earn Money Online in Hindi [ 2020 ]
Thankyou So Much
Thankyou Bhai
Excellent article! We will be linking to this great article on our site.
Keep up the great writing.
Great to here this..Thankyou So Much Man..
I interested to join when it will come to online…..
Sure…Glad to here That.. thanks
I want to join
Abhi Digitize India Platform Offline hai.
Thankyou so Much
Online Registration kab ae hona h,
Mere typing speed bhot fast h sir
Iska koi bharosha nahi hai Anurag ji, waise agar apki typing speed achhi hai to aapke liye aur bahut sare work hai jo aap achhe se kar sakte hai.
Where to register in digitizeindia.gov.in. Please let me know. It does not show any “register now” option
This Site is Offline now Dear…
How to register new account for Date entry Job?, I tried , But not working this site.
Currently This Site is Not Working Now..Dear..
Thankyou So Much for your Interest
Sir i m in interest in this work but i couldnt find registeration side pls hlp me
Abhi ye Site Offline hai Dear..
Sir digitizeindia ke site kab se working karne lagega ? Site 1 year se band hai.
Abhi iske Regarding Koi Bhi Official Announcement Nahi Aayi hai Dear.
the site is blocked sir why?
There is no any official Announcement regarding that dear, Thankyou
ragistard kaise kre isme opsn ni aa rhe
Abhi uska Official Website Band hai Daer…Thankyou
Due to covid, I have lost my job. Now I am in need for some earning the Ditize India Data Entry work from home. Severally, tried to registered my candidature in this site but not succeeded. Tell me the cause and also prefer any other related site for such earning, Please inform th. return mail. Thanking you
Mukesh Kumar
Now the Digitize india Work is currenlty offline dear ..Thanks for ur Respond
if You are Really Inetersted to earn Money online..Then Please Read This Artical very carefully.. https://digitalmadad.com/internet-se-online-paise-kaise-kamaye-hindi/
I hope this will work Really for You..Thankyou So Much
Now the Digitize india Work is currenlty offline dear ..Thanks for ur Respond
if You are Really Inetersted to earn Money online..Then Please Read This Artical very carefully.. https://digitalmadad.com/internet-se-online-paise-kaise-kamaye-hindi/
I hope this will work Really for You..best ofLuck
ye website nahi kkulti jismei registrtion hotta h.please check.
Abhi site Offline hai aarti ji
Digital india platform main online kese kare
abhi site offline hai dear, thankyou so much
Hello sir mera mobail number link nhi hai to me kya karu meri speech sedmen admay gita bhawan par kiya dada entry I am joing
abhi site band hai dear..thankyou
Registration form is not open when i go to official website. pls help me and tell how to register account
now, site is offline dear..Thankyou
In my Laptop this site is not opening.There are some error likh rahi hai. Ager site nahi kholega to main registration kese karungni.Please mujhe iska prosess bataye.
Abhi Site Offline Hai Dear..
It was a Super Platform to earn money …..Now a days not working…..After I have Paid Rs.106 for key entries…..it is showing “service unavailable”
Yes Dear bcz It is Offline Now…
Email.id.incorret bta rhe hai.why?
Abhi site Offline hai Dear..Thankyou
kya ab digitize india me new registration nahi ho raha he aur agar ho raha he to isko kaise kare kyonki humse registration ki site nahi khul rahi he
Es wekt site open nhi ho rhi. Kya site ko bnd kr diya gya hai ? Ager band hai to kitne time tek ?
abhi iske regarding koi official announcement nahi aayi hai dear..thanks for your feedback
Register my digitize registration
Abhi Site Offline hai Dear…
Thank you
Sir kya ye work kisi bhi time ham kitane ghante kar skte h, aur kya ham ye work jada se jada kar ke ek achchhi incom kar sakte h kya es work ka koi timing nhi hoti
Abhi Ye Site Work Nahi kar rahi hai ..Dear..
Thank you So Much
Login भी नही हो pa rha h site is unavailable error 95 aa रहा है
Abhi Site Offline Hai Dear..
Sir muje joining karne ke liye Kaya karna pade ha
Abhi site Band hai Dear..
Excellent web site you have got here.. It’s hard to find good quality writing like
yours nowadays. I really appreciate people like you!
Take care!!
Thankyou So Much Sir..
Thanks Again
kya ye portal lockdown k chalte abhi bhi kaam kr raha hai. kyuki mujhe log in krna hai .
mai bhi iss kaam ko krna chata hu . mai bhi govt. ki iss platform se judna chata hu.
Abhi ye Service Band hai Dear…
Thankyou So Much
If this is a fake add then how could we know can you give and idea too much apps are there in moblie in which MR PM phots hai and digitize addis their
Thanks I wish I could get answer
Bahut hi Kam hai jo Trusted Online data entry jobs provide karte hai …
Usse achha aap Blogging Sikhe ..Ye lifetime and unlimited payment bhi deta hai..
Kyonki vaise type data entry job me adhiktar fraud hi hote hai..
Thank you So Much
joining kyase kre
Abhi Site Band Hai Dear.
Sir muje joining karne ke liye Kya karna padega
Abhi site band hai Dear
Website doesn’t work or open please help us
Site is Offline Now Dear..
Thank you So Much
digitize india portol par sign up ka link kyu nahi aa raha he
abhi site offline hai dear…
Hom basese job
abhi site band hai dear
Digital India platform login Nahin ho raha hai
Abhi Website Band Hai Dear….
Are yr phone se registration nahi ho raha hai
Abhi Site Band Hai Dear..
Sir adhar card to h bt Mobil no. Kon sa link h patta nahi or email I’d bhi link nahi wo to abhi banaye h Kya kr sakte h plz help me
Abhi Site band Hai Dear…
Bahut bahut Dhanywad Apka
Mai ranju Kumari digitize india platform se jurna chahti par mai jur nhi pa rhi hu meri aarthik asthiti bahut kharb hone ke karn mai digitize India platform me jurkar data entry job kar apni aarthik isthiti me sudhar karna chahti hu so please help me
Dear Ranju Kumari , Abhi Yah Site Work Nahi kar rahi hai…
Aap Please in Chijo ko Sikhkar Bahut Achhi Income Kar sakte Hai..
1. Blogging Like Ham Kar Rahe hai…
2. Youtube me Video Naman
3. Free Launcing Karna
4. Affiliate Karna
Aur bhi Bahut Sare Online Work hai Jise Aap Sikhakar achhi khasi Income Kar Skte hai…
Aap in Sab Chijo ko sikhne ke Liye Youtube aur Internet ka Use Kar Skte Hai..
Aapka Bahut Bahut Dhanyawad…
West Bengal
Sir iss website me loging kaise kare
Abhi Site Offline hai Dear….
muzhe Rugister kravana he kaise karu
Abhi site band hai dear
Kai mahino se kam nahi mil rha hao digitize india portal par kab chalu hoga.
Iska Answer to Govt. Hi De skta Hai dear
Aap kuch Aur dusre chijo ko sikhne ki koshish kare…
Password kaise pata Kiya ja sakte hain
Abhi Site Band hai Bhai…
digitizeindia not creat new acc. plese activet side
This is Not my Site Bro….It’s Goverment Site
Hello sir main is website se judna chahta hu magar Mera Registration nahi ho paa Raha hai Kya abhi ye website band hai agar hai to sir kab tak ye website shuru hogi mujeh kaise pata chalega.sir please Ans.dena.THANKU.
Sorry Dear…Wo Website Abhi Band hai aur Indian Government Hi Tay karegi ki site open hogi ya nahi…
Abhi to iske regarding koi bhi Notification Nahi Aaya hai…
Kya galat charracter fill karne par paise katate ha.
Paise nahi Milte and uska Approval hi Nahi Hota but…
Abhi Site Band ho Chuki hai Dear….
Lifetime ke Liye work he ya nahi
Ye nahi hai bhai…Iske alawa aur baut sare kam hai jo aap lifetime ke liye kar skte hai like
Blogging , youtubing, freelancing, Fiverr Aur bhi kai work hai dear…But aapse aur aap sabhi se yh nivedan rahega ki ek sath bahut sare kam kare…Kewal ek hi work Par Depend N rae
Thankyou So Much
Add ho nhi paa rha me sir
Abhi site Band hai Brother….
I don’t have laptop & desktop Can I do from mobile.
This site is Offline Now , Dear….
Thanks for Your Great Interest…
Registration kaise kare nhi ho registration
Abhi Site Offline Hai Dear..
Mobile number benk se link nhi ho tho pese kese aa skte he
abhi ye site work karna band kar di hai dear
Bhai me digitize india ki website per registration kar na chahta hu per ho nahi paraha he plz help me
abhi ye site band ho chuki hai
Registration kaise kare…
Abhi site Band Hai Dear
Mera kawal gas account hai usme paisa ayegha
Ab koi gurantee nahi hai dear
Registration kb chalu hoga???
Ye Site abhi Band Hai Dear…..
Sir kuchh site ragistretion ke liya fee
Lekar kuch bhi nahi Kar rahi hai. mane
NCS per free ragistretion Kiya tha but
Kuchh day bad ref ID ke liye 2500 le liye ab training ke liye 7000 dimond Kar rahe hai. please sir bataiye dena uchit rahega
Nahi, Aap Aese Site ke Liye Koi bhi Fee Nahi De…Vaha se Aapko kuch nahi milega….
Boht dino se mei try kr ri hu digital India site me registration krne k liye pr site open hi ni ho ri h. Hmesha 503 error on page likha aata h. 2 mhine se b zyada ho gye h. Please help me ki muje kya krna chahie?
I think …Ab Site Shayd hi Open Hogi Dear…Aap Please Iska Expectation Na Kare…
Agar kuch jankari chahiye to Aap Please Mujhe Yaha Puch skte hai…Mai Jarur Help Karunga..
Thankyou So Much
sir digital india portal login …………..forgot paswad nahi hota hai plx help
Abhi Ye Site Work Nahi Kar Rahi Hai Dear….
So then we can’t working this plz I am very much interested to working this
Hi ,
I thank you for your quick reply. As i am very much interested, can you please let me know approximately when the registration link will be opened for digitize india.
Thank You
This website is Offline Now…Dear..Thanks for ur Great Interest.
Mai ranju Kumari digital india job se jurna chahti or paise kmana cuahti
Abhi ye Site offline hai Dear….
when i open the site it is showing service unavailable Error code95. can anybody help me to register
This Site is Offline Now Dear…
Sir may bhi digital india per kam karna change
Abhi Ye Site Offline Ho Gyi hai Dear…
sir registraion nhi ho ra h ples help
Abhi Site Offline Hai Dear….Thanks for Your Ineterest
Per day 500 rupees earn karne kelia kitna character typeing karna padega…….
Abhi ye Site Work Nahi Kar Rahi Hai Dear…Thanks for Your Interest
क्या यह अब भी काम कर रही है ?
Abhi Work Nahi Kar Rahi Hai Dear..
When m open this site the site will be not open saw me eror 95 whats the problem of this site and how can I solve this issue there for kindly requested to u plz look in to matters..
Thanks .
I Think Goverment Has Offline This Site Dears…Because This Site Was Creates Offi cialy by Indian Goverment Site…
digitizeindia.gov.in link me registration form nahi show ho raha hai kyun…Sir plzzz help me Main register nahi kar pa rahi hu error kyun dekha rahi hai…
Ye Site Ab Band Ho Chauki Hai Dear.Thankyou So Much
Please help me sir I am not understanding
Now This Site Has Been Offline Dear….Thanks for Your Interest
Unavailable aa rha hai ye site off hai kyA
Yes Dear…This is Offline Now
This site is not opening even after trying many times.
Yes Dear…Bcz It’s Closed Now
Hello sir
M Arun Tanwar mene I’d banai thi par m apna password bhul Gaya new password kese Dale ga plz and
Aap forget Option Par Jakar Reset Kar Sakte Hai…
I have tried many times to register myself in digitizeinfia.gov.in but the side is not opening
This Site is Not working now properly…Thankyou so Much
Website not open
Service Unavailable
error code 95
Okay Great Dear…Thankyou So Much
Sir ji register nhi ho rha hai kya karna Chiye btaye sir
Abhi Site Prorperly Work Nahi kar rahi hai dear..Thnaks for Your Interest
please inform me when the platform are starting.
Okay dear,,
Sir mujhe regesterd hona h
Abhi Site Achhe se Work Nahi Kar Rahi Hai Dear..Thanks for Your Interest
Am very much interested to do data entry work in digitize india platform, but am not able to do registration, can u please help me.
This Plateform is Now Working Properly Right Now…Please Try Again After Some Time…
Thankyou So Much
This plateform is Not Working Properly Right Now…
Please Try Other Things ..
Thank you So Much
Registration kiya hai 350 maintains fees bhi pay ki bt aur login karne ke bad 250 gst fees mang rahe hai aur aap bol rahe the ki kuch fees nahi hai registration ki
Aapne Kab Registration kiya The Dear…
Am very much interested to do data entry work in digitize india platform, but am not able to do registration, can u please help me.
Now , The Plateform is not Working Properly ..Please Try Again Some Time..
Thnkyou So Much for Your Greatt Interest..Till Then You Can try Blogginh which is Best…
How to get primium plan in this digital one India job . What is the method and how to pay
Hiii Dear….There is No Plan Such Like This…Thanks
This Site is not working propely now
Yes Dear…..It’s Will Take Time to Improve…
Has digitize india started working. I am interested to join and start work. Or is there any other government online data entry job.
if you Are inetersted in online job..Please Try to Do Blogging
Thankyou So Much
Dear sir Aadhar authentication is successfully but OTP not successful please inform me.becoze this is very important to me and I like this work pls send me full information..
This Site is not working propely now…Please try after Some Time and keep trying other work
I tried many times from last more than year but always adhaar authentication not sucessful comes … I already checked my detail in adhaar as mobile number linked and email id attached… Reason site not allowed my adhaar authentication… help me on …
Now the Site is Not Working Properly…Thanks
Sir, mera aadhar invailid bata raha hai. 2 din se koshish kar raha hu. Registration kaise kare?
Abhi Site Acche se work nahi kar rahi hai…
Thanks sr
Mujhe bhi ismein job karna hai
abhi Site Achhe se work nahi kar rahi hai
Sr iske alawa koi or privet site nhi he kya Jo fake na ho jhan online data entry ka kaam hota ho agar apko pta he to sr pleas btae kyoki ajkl sr fake site bhtt hen
Aap Please Freelancer Job Ka Try Kare..Youtube Me Search Krke Dekhna …Ye Link Par Jao..Youtube Video Ka Link Hai
Sr mera aadhar card no successful nhi ho rha he jabki mera mob no bhi adhar se link he or name Dob bhi same he frr bhi nhi ho rha he
Dear Tejpal Ji, Abhi Site Achhe se Work nahi Kar rahi hai..Aap Please Kuch time bad kare..
thankyou So Much
online job
Aap Blogging Seekh Skte Hai…
भाई मेरा रजिस्ट्रेशन नहीं हो रहा है क्या वेबसाईट बन्द हो गई है या सर्वर में प्रोब्लम है
कॉल करे 7357216641
Abhi Website Achhe se Work Nahi kar Rahi hai…
Kuch Tume Bad Aur Try krke dekhna…Agar Work Karna Start Kar de To Achha Hai
Please Can you tell me when will it be open again……
अभी तक कोई भी Official Notification नहीं आया है |
Website kab start hogi?
Web site close he kya? mera aadharcard error aa raha he
Abhi Registration Closed hai
Iski Koi Bhi Notifications Nahi Aayi Hai ….
Please Try After Some Time
ad आधार नंबर डालते हैं उसके बाद लिखता है आधार नंबर नोट सोर्स
Kya kaRe
आप कुछ समय के बाद Try करना Bro…
अभी Registration Closed है Dears….
Please Try Again After Some Time
Hello Digital Madad,
Mene apna digitize india platform ka account login ki but login id password galat bata raha tha isliye mene forget password ki process ki usme mene mera email id jo registered h wo fill up kiya or process kiya but muje digital india platform ki taraf se koi bhi reset password ki link ya email nahi aaya.
please aap mere help kare account login krwane me.
Hello Mayuri Ji
Apne jo email dala hai,,,wo Sahi hona chahiye ..mtlb jisse aap apna account use kar rahe the…
agar sabhi cheej sahi hai..to aap ek bar fir try kare…kyonki kai baar link nahi aata hai..
agar fir bhi nahi ho raha hai ..to hame jarur batanaa..
Mai June month se try Kar rahi hu registration Karne but Aadhar no entry Karne ke baad not successful Karke har bar aa Raha hai. Registration kab start Hoga… Our kitne din registration start hone me lagenge….
abhi iske regarding koi information nahi aaya hai official site se…
please keep visiting the official site… that is..
Abi hamare pass bank account nahi h to kya registration nahi kar sakte kya? Please replay me.
kar sakte hai
why are Aadhar authentication not successful. suggestion please give me.
new registration is closed now…please try after some time
thankyou for your interest..
now the registration process is offline…please try after some time
Aadhaar Authentication Not Successful
Now the Registration process is closed…Please try after some time…
Thank you …..Thanks for ur Interest
Adhaar no. Do not veryfy
Now the Registration process is closed…Please try after some time…
Thank you
kya hame bank account se hi amount milta hai kya paytm or google pay se milta hai
Bank Account Wala Option hi Best hai…
Sir i dont have an aadhar card..is it possible to registrar any other id…like as voter id or pan card?
No Dear…Aadhar Card is mandatory…Thankyou
Your style is really unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from.
Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this page.
Thankyou So Much..
kab tak sharu ho jayega yha protral
Abhi iske Bare me Koi Bhi Notification Nahi Diya gaya hai Dear…Thanks for Your Interest
When open the registration process now..
Sir plz reply to my questions..,..
No notifications have been received about it yet … We will let you know as soon as we get it.
Thanks for Your Ineterst….
Thank you for the auspicious writeup. It in fact was a amusement account it.
Look advanced to far added agreeable from you! By the way, how could we communicate?
great to hear That…Thankyou so Much for Such a Great Compliment…
Comment: digital india.gov.in
Comment: bro Mai digitizeindia.gov.in.ko registere Nahin Kar pa Raha hoon problem ek hai aadhar card successfully Nahin ho raha hai aur mobile number adhar card par link Nahin hai to hoga ya Nahin ho sakta please batayega aur otp Nahin aata Mai mobile pe registere Karta hoon and opera mini me ja ke Karta hoon
Ha Dear…Aap apne adahar ko mobile number se Link kara sakte hai kisi bhi choice center me jakar…Then aap yaha par Registratioin karke dekhe…
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Hey…Great To Hear that..Thankyopu so Much For Your Great suggestion ..
registration process kab open hoga sir
Abhi iske Bare me Koi Bhi Notification Nahi aaaya hai dear….Please check karte rahe aap iske Official Site Me Jakar
when registration process is open?
Please Keep Try to Register In Official site….
Thankyou So Much
my phone number link to aadhaar , name and date of birth is correct
what is the reason aadhaar authentication not successful
Thanks for Your Interest…But Sorry to Inform You..The registration Process iS Closed Now
so many times i have been try but aadhaar authentication not successful
Please Try After Some Time…Now the Registration Process is Closed
which browser is best
Google Chorme
Thanks sir
My adhar card number is not taking for validation??
Is this any solutions for the this problem??
Please let me know the solution…….
Now….The Registration Process is Closed… Please Try Again After some Time…
Thank you So Much
Why in digitize India aadhar card verification is not successful sir please tell me when it will be updated
the Registration Process is off in Digitize India….Please Try To Register after Some time…
Aadhaar Authentication Not Successful Kay kru abhii
Abhi isme Registration Off Hai Dear… Aap Please Kuch Tiime Bad Try Kare…
My job tak your please
ye mera work nahi hai dear….aap iske official webiste me jakar apply kar sakte hai, jiski link neeche di hui hai..best of luck
Please online job coming
ok dear….how can i help you
great…Keep it up and thankyou so much
Adhar verification nahi ho rha hai
abhi registraion off hai dear…please aap kuch time bad try karke dekhe…
thankyou so much
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thankyou So Much bowlandbone …good luck
Adhar verification nahi ho rha hai
Abhi Registration kuch time ke liye Band hai Dear….
Please aap Kuch time Try krke dekhen
Mujhe is job ki
bahut jarurat h please help me
Aap Please Iske Bharose Mat Baithe Rahe…Aap Blogging Try Karo…Best Hai
Kya ye site abhi open hai
First amount pay krna padta hai kya? Ki free hai?
Nahi dear isme koi bhi amount pay nahi krna pdta hai
Sir ye registeration free hai kya. Amount pay krni pdti hai first time?
Nahi , ye Bilkul free hai
Neat blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere?
A theme like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog stand out.
Please let me know where you got your theme.
Thanks a lot
NewspaperTheme Hai Bro…Good luck
When will it open.
Any particular date.
adhaar verification not successful
Please check after some time….
Aadhaar Authentication Not Successful…
abhi registration nahi ho pa raha hai, aap please kuch time bad try kare..
Great info Regarding This…
Thankyou sir
My aadhar card is not validating in registration.i am applying correct details.i want be a part of government
Thanks for your interest dear….But the registering is closed now…..Please try after some time ….
Please call me sir
Kya kaam hai apko..
Please ask in comment
Thank you
I want to know can we pay for registeration or any typing plans
No…Its Free of cost..
Me varke Karna chats hu
Try to register in Digitize India…Or wait some time to open This site…
Thankyou So Much
Is the registration open now.
This is still in offline…
Please try after some time
I tried registering but I am getting error as “Aadhar authentication not successful”. Can you please mail me the solution to my mail id. I have entered all details correctly. I have tried many times. Is there any way to register. Is the website closed now. If so, when will it be opened again. Please help.
Please try to Register after some time….
Dear Sir,
Whether this scheme is alive.
Pls. clarify if not we will not waste our time.
Now This is Not Working ….Please Check After Some time….
Pls. clarity on some time means.
Whether days or months. pls.
This is not declared by the govt. Dear
Hi there! This is kind of off topic but I need some advice from an established blog. Is it very difficult to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty quick. I’m thinking about making my own but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Thank you
Use an amazing theme and customize that theme according your requirement..And for more info Search in Youtube…
sir hum total information dene ke bad validate aadhar pr click karte to aAadhaar Authentication Not Successful.
asa message dikhai deta hai
Aap mobile number aur email bhi vahi de jo aapke adhar se link ho…Fir Register Kare..
You ought to be a part of a contest for one of the finest sites on the internet.
I am going to recommend this web site!
Thankyou So Much Dear…
I will try to registration on digitize India but this site will not be open write now
Please Try After Some Time…
I tried several times, my aadhaar number is not athondicated
Right now the registration is closed for some time because the work is not available on the site so please try after some time..
Thankyou So Much…
My aadhaar number is not verified
Please try after some time..
i will try to regristration on digitize india but this site will not be open write now, and i will try to 06.09.2019 at 8.19 p.m
Right now the registration is closed for some time because the work is not available on the site so please try after some time..
Thankyou So Much
i can not resister in jobs
Please try After Some Time ..
Sir i didnt hv laptop. Shall I do this by mobile. Is registration possible through mobile.
yes absolutely
Sir/Ma’am I am intrsd to wrk..but i dnt knw y i am not ablw to register bcz of adhar number.. can you just help me with thay
Dear first This is Not my work….This is The Work of Govt. Of India…I have Given the Inform related This.
If there is Coming Adhar related issue..I would Suggest that Please Try after some time….And Keep Trying time to time….
Thankyou So Much
sir iam intrested do your work , but I am not registerd to site becouse my adhar number not verifiy, pls. help me and resolve my problem
Dear first This is Not my work….This is The Work of Govt. Of India…I have Given the Inform related This.
If there is Coming Adhar related issue..I would Suggest that Please Try after some time….And Keep Trying time to time….
Thankyou So Much
sir muje ghar bathe data entry ka kam chaheye
Aap Data entry se achha Blogging sikhe..Kyonki ye Lifetime rehta hai aur earning bhi bahut achhi hoti hai…Blogging ke bare me aap Youtube Pr Videos dekh skte hai…
Sir adhar card failure likhya hua raha hain kya Kare
Aap Please Time Wait Kare…Fir Try Karn
sir iam intrested do your work , but I am not registerd to site becouse my adhar number not verifiy, pls. help me and resolve my problem
Thanks for your interest.
First, it is not my work, it is the work of the Indian Government.
For Adhar Registration problem I would suggest that please Try After Some..
Thanks Again
What should I do that digitize India platform always show snippets have exhausted
Snippets are limited in quantity here……Check back from time to time..Thankyou
Can you please let me know the status of digitize india . Had the website up for registration. Pls advise.
There is still problem in Aadhaar registration…Wait some time
Sir mere aadhar no nahi le raha h kya problem h Jo mere aadhar me data h vahi feel karane par bhi nahi le raha h
Aap Kuch Time Bad Try kare, kabh kabhi kuch time ke liy registration off kar diya jata hai.
It’s not working site when I click work space it displays snipped exhaust. Plz tell me how to do work plz reply
Please try after some time when the snippet is over, then the work is stopped for some time.
Thank you So Much
It’s not working site when I click work space it displays snipped exhaust. Plz tell me how to do work
Please try after some time when the snippet is over, then the work is stopped for some time.
Thank you
Ok sar
Adhara card registration is showing as failure. why? Any solution from your side
Try After Some Time Dear….
Thankyou So Much
Please Try After Some Time
I tried it but Adhara card registration is showing as failure why
Try after Some Time Dear….
Physically fit Retired persons join this scheme?
Its such as you lwarn my thoughts! You appear to grasp so much approximately this, such as you wrolte
the ebook in it or something. I believe that you simply
can do wiith a few p.c. to pressure the meesage house a bit, however instead of
that, this is wonderfuyl blog. A great read. I will certainly be back.
Thankyou So Much Dear…
Registration is not made, I’m many times trying to register for this job, but still registration is not made
Try To Register After Some Time…
Adhara card registration is showing as failure. why? Any solution from your side
same problem also me.
site is Not Working Now Dear..This is offline
If this is true or fake, but I’m interested to work in this job
Kuch Bhi Jankari Chahiye …Jarur Puchiyega
Bhut aacha gyan diye sir
Dhanywad Brother…
Sir, Digitize India Platform site abhi kyu nahi chal rahi. Kya Kaaran ho sakta hai, aap batyena.
ye abhi kuch time ke Down hai bro….ye Update hokar dobara Chalu ho skta hai…
On hoga to sabse pahle is site me notifiy kar diya jayega…
is digitize india started working and is it available for registration.
bro…it Will Take Some To Update..
Is there any other govt data entry like digitize india . I am asking because digitize india is not working right now. If any other govt data entry job i can try. can you pls let me know if any
Data Entry से अच्छा आप freelancer या Blogging Try करें क्योंकि ये पूरे Life के लिए Sequre रहता है । आप इनके बारे में Youtube या google पर सर्च कर सकतें हैं । धन्यवाद !!!
Hi there, I enjoy reading all of your article. I like to write a little comment to support you.
Thanks Dear……
There is definately a great deal to learn about this issue.
I like all the points you’ve made.
Great…Thankyou So Much..
Kabita Mohanty
please ignore my previous msg.
I tried to register in digitize india. I got “Authentication Successful” message. When I enter my mobile number, I got “OTP sent successfully”. But I am not receiving OTP. (But aadhar authenticated successfully)
Ya I have registered with the same number as registered in aadhar card. But, still I am not getting otp. Is digitizeindia.gov.in started working ?
Pls help
Please Wait Some Time…And Try to Register…Thanks
I tried to register in digitize india. I got “Authentication Successful” message. When I enter my otp number, I got “OTP sent successfully”. But I am not receiving OTP. (But aadhar authenticated successfully)
Koi or bhi site he is tarah ki jisper part-time job kar sakne
Aap Logo ko iske Uper Bahut jald ek Complete Post milega…Keep Visiting Site..
Thankyou So Much..
I tried registering but I am getting error as “Aadhar authentication not successful”. Can you please mail me the solution to my mail id. I have entered all details correctly. I have tried many times. Is there any way to register. Is the website closed now. If so, when will it be opened again. Please help
अभी कुछ टाइम के लिए काम बंद है और ये कुछ ही समय में अच्छे अपडेट के साथ चालू हो जायेगा तो हम आपको जरुर सूचित करेंगे |
ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए यह आर्टिकल पूरा पढ़ें …..धन्यवाद
Hi ,
I thank you for your quick reply. As i am very much interested, can you please let me know approximately when the registration link will be opened for digitize india.
Thank You
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं यह प्लेटफार्म प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी के द्वारा शुरू किया गया था जिस वजह से अभी चुनाव के चलते इस प्लेटफार्म को कुछ समय के लिए रोक दिया गया है और इस पर काम अभी चल रहा है ।
यह प्लेटफॉर्म आगे आने वाले दो-तीन माह के अंतर्गत चालू हो सकता है तो जैसा ही यह प्लेटफॉर्म चालू होगा हम आपको सूचित कर देंगे ।
या आप समय-समय पर इसके ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर जाकर भी रजिस्ट्रेशन करके चेक कर सकते हैं ।
लेकिन हमारी सलाह आपको यही रहेगी कि आप इसी के इंतजार में ना रहे बल्कि जो काम आप कर रहे हैं उसको आप करते रहे क्योंकि यह एक पार्ट टाइम ऑनलाइन काम है और ऐसे कामों का कोई भरोसा नहीं रहता ।
बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद ।
ए काम अभी बंद है क्या?
Yes…Abhi Site Achhe Se Work Nahi Kar Rahi Hai..
Thankyou So Much
We don’t Know Dear…Because This is Not Our Program , This was The Program Of Govt . Of India…Thankyou So Much
Thanks for Your Suggestion…
enaku registration formay agamattiguthu sir pls help me
This site is not working Dear …Thanks for Your Ineterst
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Thanks for Suggest….Thanks Again
OTP number not coming
Please enter the same mobile number which is registered in your Aadhaar card.
I put Aadhar card mobile number but not receiving OTP
Please enter the same mobile number which is registered in your Aadhaar card.
Nice informations
Thanks Friend..Keep Visiting This Site
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do not working this side . what reason???
Site is Offline now dear.
when it will come online?
Abhi Tak iske regarding Koi Official Announcement Nahi aaya Hai Dear..Thankyou
Great Information Regarding Digitize India
Thanks Dost
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This Site is Offline now Dear…
Main divang hoon Handicapped-HH
Please Apna Detail Yaha Mat Share Karen
Thankyou very much..
Aap ye Post Padhiye . https://digitalmadad.com/internet-se-online-paise-kaise-kamaye-hindi/
How to open this website.
Abhi Ye Service Temporary Unvalibale Hai Dear Valan Ji
Thankyou , Keep Visiting This Site for Further Information..
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Current this service is offline dear. Thankyou